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Beachhead Market

Startups usually target large markets of customers instead of focusing on a smaller more addressable market which they can efficiently market, sell and create tremendous value for. Picking the right beachhead market is a make or break decision as you start to accelerate customer acquisition in the growth stage of your startup.

The beachhead strategy is about focusing your resources on one key area, usually a smaller market segment or product category, and winning that market first, even dominating that market, before moving into larger markets.

Beachhead strategies are often critical for bootstrapping new businesses. And franchiser businesses should think of the beachhead strategy as making sure the initial locations are strong and successful and good models for future locations .

Our company the rendering bullets has followed the beachhead market strategies by focusing our resources in the gaming industries of First Person Shooting (FPS) games . We tend to create a gaming gun controller for FPS games mainly .

Later on we will branch to the 3rd person shooting games and making our gaming controller as a virtual shooting practice for military and cops to enhance their skills so that they can better protect the people .

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